Player First Name
Player Last Name
Email address?
What is the name of the company you work for?
What is your current index? (to create tee assignments)
What is your Handicap (GIN) number? (to create tee assignments)
What is your age (to create tee assignments)
All Team player information is requested at this time. If you do not have specific player information at this time please collect this information and share with the Executive Director, Kellene Pepple by phone: 260-619-8523 or email: info@madanthonys.org
Please provide the remaining 3 team players First and Last Names
Please provide the remaining 3 team players current index (ghin) number. (to create tee assignments)
Please provide the remaining 3 team players current handicap. (to create tee assignments)
Please provide the remaining 3 team players age. (to create tee assignments)
– 5 man teams of 1 pro to 4 amatures – Format: Shamble – Format for the team is 2 best gross & net balls per hole including the Pro’s ball